Blue Collection
Producător: Blue Collection
Geanta de laptop este confectionat din tesatura 1680D și are două buzunare vaste pe front, compartimentul principal cu secțiune suplimentară pentru laptop, cu posibilitatea de lărgirea în partea de jos, un buzunar de birou vast, cu două buzunare telefon, trei bucle stilou și un buzunar pentru afacer..
110,48 lei + TVA
Producător: Blue Collection
Servieta notebook din poliester 1680D. Include 2 buzunare interioare (una este închisă cu Velcro). Buzunare exterioare din față și din spate a Brefcase sunt închise cu fermoar. 2 mânere cu piele ecologică și starp lung umăr. Logo-ul poate fi în relief în față...
110,48 lei + TVA
Producător: Blue Collection
TUR de sport rucsac poate fi folosit pentru mersul pe jos și Ciclism. Curele realizate dintr-un material ochiurilor de plasă de lumină asigură confort în timpul oricărei activități fizice. Rucsacul este ajustat pentru a atașa o vezică de apă la ea-trebuie doar să firul de paie și bucală printr-o des..
26,96 lei + TVA
Producător: Blue Collection
DescrierePix BONITODoriti sa va personalizati instrumentele de scris si sa le oferiti partenerilor sau angajatilor un cadou memorabil? Pixul metalic BONITO de la DeMedia poate fi alegerea ideala pentru afacerea dvs.Fabricat din din aluminiu de calitate, pixul BONITO dispun..
3,20 lei + TVA
Producător: Blue Collection
A warm fleece blanket which will become an important element for every trip, thanks to the additional pillow function after folding and zipping. We can make embroidery on this product - individual pricing., A warm fleece blanket which will become an important element for every trip, thanks to the ad..
58,93 lei + TVA
Producător: Blue Collection
The LUX cable is a great advertising gadget because it has the perfect place for an engraved logo that will illuminate when the cable is connected! It is a 3 in 1 cable, containing plugs in micro USB, USB type C and Lightining (iPhone) standard. The cable itself is coated with reinforced material an..
46,08 lei + TVA
Producător: Blue Collection
The MAGNETIC cable is an extremely practical gadget. Terminals are attached to the cable via a magnet. Thanks to this, there is no need to constantly insert the tip into the phone, and thus, the connector will not be exposed to rapid wear. The set includes three different plugs: micro USB, USB type ..
25,99 lei + TVA
Producător: Blue Collection
The 3-in-1 TAUS USB cable to charge various devices has three tips: micro USB, Lightning (iPhone) and USB type C. The cable is fabric coated and the USB tips are made of metal. A practical gadget for every user of mobile devices...
18,80 lei + TVA
Producător: Blue Collection
USB cable with 3 different endings: microUSB, iPhone4 ad iPhone 5...
4,46 lei + TVA
Producător: Blue Collection
The RICO USB charging cable offers six functions in one product. It has two inputs: USB-A and USB-C and three outputs: micro USB, USB-C and Lightning (iPhone). In addition, three ends have special plastic reinforcements that allow the cable to be used as a phone holder! The cable itself is covered w..
35,20 lei + TVA
Producător: Blue Collection
AA 1600 mAh rechargeable battery pack is a product designed especially for users of electronic devices. The batteries are powered via the USB type C port, which means that no dedicated battery charger is required. The set includes a double USB-C cable that allows you to power two batteries at the sa..
46,08 lei + TVA
Producător: Blue Collection
AAA 450 mAh rechargeable battery pack is a product designed especially for users of electronic devices. The batteries are powered via the USB type C port, which means that no dedicated battery charger is required. The set includes a double USB-C cable that allows you to power two batteries at the sa..
44,89 lei + TVA
Producător: Blue Collection
Water-resistant housing guarantees a possibility to record video up to 30m under water, and excellent quality of image of 1080p (Full HD) make the product high class equipment to record videos, apart from a marketing gadget. The camera is packed in an elegant box. Inside, apart from the camera, ther..
111,61 lei + TVA
Producător: Blue Collection
Dry air has a negative impact on our health, especially in autumn and winter. To avoid this, we recommend the UMIDO ultrasonic humidifier, which is extremely simple and convenient. In addition to the basic function of generating haze, it also has an eye-catching, back light in 7 colours. The set inc..
81,50 lei + TVA
Producător: Blue Collection
The ALLUMI aluminum bottle is very light and comfortable to use. It is a practical gadget for school, training or a trip. Tight closure allows comfortable use. The cap is made of plastic, with a rubber strap acting as a handle. Do not fill with hot fluid - risk of burns. Made of aluminum, capacity 6..
25,64 lei + TVA
Producător: Blue Collection
The NO-BUGS pen is made of a special antibacterial material. This material has been enriched with silver ions, which reduce the settling and growth of bacteria on that surface by up to 99% throughout the life of the pen. In the era of an epidemic, when our awareness of how easily infections are tran..
1,54 lei + TVA
Producător: Blue Collection
The NO-GERMS pen is made of a special antibacterial material. This material has been enriched with silver ions, which reduce the possibility of settling and growth of bacteria on that surface by up to 99% throughout the life of the pen. In the era of an epidemic, when our awareness of how easily inf..
1,29 lei + TVA
Producător: Blue Collection
The RICE apron is a great choice for a gift for any culinary lover. Made with 100% cotton with great care. It has adjustable neck strap and a front pocket. Grammage 170 gsm...
27,03 lei + TVA
Producător: Blue Collection
An arm phone holder will make jogging even more fun. The phone placed inside is protected with a window though which you can still use the touch screen of your phone. Additionally it has headphones output and a small pocket for a key. Maximum phone measurments: 142 x 72 x 16 mm...
14,04 lei + TVA